Christmas in the City : Dyker Heights, Brooklyn

29 December 2013

i christmas lights dyker heights brooklyn new york - paulinefashionblog.com_-4

My dear Célinette arrived in New York a few days ago. She always has good plans, and she’s the one who told me I should go take a look at Dyker Heights Christmas Illuminations in Brooklyn (her article here). The least you could say is it’s really worth the trip!

As she had told me, the people in the neighborhood try to outdo each other by decorating their houses in the most creative or kitsch manner. And that’s how this middle-class suburb turns into a magical amusement park for kids… and for grown-ups! All the houses are covered with … READ MORE

French Cuisine in New York : Brasserie Cognac

15 July 2013

Brasserie Cognac East french chef blog new york - -_-7

As you already know, one of the things I miss the most here in New York is our french gastronomy. I know there are a lot of french restaurants in New York, but… they’re not always worth it ! I recently discovered, within a short walk from my place, a French brasserie, far better than many parisian ones : the COGNAC brasserie.

The chef, Florian Hugo (great great great grandson of Victor Hugo) created a very varied menu and taught his team how to offer new-yorkers the best of traditional french food.  Thanks to his training with Alain Ducasse, his … READ MORE

♥ Mermaid Parade 2013, Coney Island

23 June 2013

mermaid parade 2013 coney island - paulinefashionblog.com_-31

Saturday June 22nd was the traditional Coney Island Mermaid Parade.

Being an absolute fan of Coney Island and its legendary craziness, I was there, with my little camera and an appropriate outfit that I will show you very soon. It was really worth the trip !

Each mermaid was more original than the others, and there was a lot of glitter, fun and good humour. The aim of the event was to raise funds to help reconstruct Coney after the hurricane Sandy ravaged the area last october.

Thousands and thousands of spectators, sometimes as dressed up as the people in … READ MORE

Coney Island…

23 September 2012


ça fait un peu plus de 3 mois maintenant… j’aurais pris mon temps pour vous l’annoncer !

Vous vous souvenez, quand, au mois de juin, je suis partie quelques jours à New York avec mon chéri ?

Le dimanche matin, nous sommes partis de Bushwick aux aurores direction Coney Island, un des endroits que j’avais préféré lors de notre premier séjour à New York il
y a bientôt deux ans…

Le charme désuet des vieilles montagnes russes, les hot dogs de chez Nathan’s, cette longue plage où il fait bon se balader, la wonderwheel… J’adore cet

Ce dimanche de READ MORE